Bleeding of the brain

A hemorrhage is a type of stroke that occurs after an artery in the brain ruptures. It can bleed locally into surrounding tissues. This type of bleeding is known to kill brain cells.

People who usually experience cerebral hemorrhage have symptoms similar to a stroke and may experience weakness, difficulty speaking or numbness on one side of their body.


If you have any of the following symptoms, your brain may be bleeding:

  • Sudden severe headache
  • Convulsions that have no history of convulsions before
  • Change of vision
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Weakness of an arm or a leg
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Decreased alertness or lethargy
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty reading or writing
  • Decreased fine motor skills such as hand tremors
  • Loss of balance
  • Decreased coordination
  • The taste feels unusual
  • Loss of consciousness

However, it is worth noting that many of these symptoms are often caused by conditions other than bleeding in the brain.

Causes and risk factors:-

The most common cause of cerebral hemorrhage is usually high blood pressure. Over time the high blood pressure can weaken the artery walls, which can rupture. When this happens the blood collects in the brain which can cause the symptoms of a stroke.

Some of the other causes and risks of cerebral hemorrhage include:

  • Head Trauma – Injuries are the most common cause of bleeding in the brain in people under the age of 50.
  • Aneurysm – This is a weakening of the swollen blood vessels. It can rupture the brain and cause bleeding, leading to stroke.
  • Blood Vessel Abnormalities – Weaknesses in the blood vessels in and around the brain can be present at birth and can be diagnosed as soon as symptoms develop.
  • Amyloid angiopathy – This is an abnormality in the walls of blood vessels that can sometimes lead to high blood pressure or aging. This leads to several small, unnoticed bleeding before it takes on a larger size.
  • Liver Diseases – Usually, this condition is associated with bleeding.

Blood or hemorrhagic disorders and brain tumors can also increase the risk of bleeding.


If a stroke of any kind is suspected, it is important to make an assessment immediately. The test may reveal evidence of brain injury, including weakness, slurred speech, and loss of sensation. A radiology examination such as a CT scan or MRI is sometimes required. It can help highlight various features and locations of bleeding in the brain. If bleeding is noticed in or around the brain, your doctor may recommend further tests to determine the cause of the bleeding.

This additional test can help determine whether or not abnormal blood vessels are present as well as the next steps in treatment.


Close monitoring is essential for patients with intracranial hemorrhage. Early treatment may include stabilizing blood pressure and breathing. A breathing machine, such as a ventilator, may also be needed to ensure that adequate oxygen is supplied to the brain as well as other organs.

Intravenous access is also required to give the patient fluids and medications, especially if he is unconscious. Sometimes heart rhythms require special monitoring or pressure inside the skull, as well as blood oxygen levels.

Once the patient has stabilized, doctors will then be able to determine how the bleeding can be resolved. This process usually happens quickly. The decision to have surgery is based on the location and size of the hemorrhage. Surgery isn’t required for patients with intracranial hemorrhage.

There are also various medications that help reduce swelling around the bloodstream.


Since most cerebral hemorrhages ar related to a particular risk, you’ll be able to scale back the chance within the following ways:

  • Treat your hypertension – According to studies, 80% of patients with cerebral hemorrhage have a history of hypertension. The most important thing is to control it through exercise and proper diet and medication.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Avoid drugs – Drugs like cocaine can increase the risk of bleeding in the brain.
  • Drive carefully – If you are driving a four-wheeler, remember your seat belt. If you’re driving a two-wheeler, keep in mind your helmet.

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